

Video content marketing is a somewhat barbaric term that simply refers to the creation and activation of videos for maximum impact.

The tripartite HERO, HUB, HELP approach allows you to reach, engage and convert your audience into customers with quality content that is both entertaining and useful

Video content strategy :

the 3 H

The 3H method is a method that was developed by Google for its video search engine YouTube. Although it is applicable to other types of content, it is particularly effective in video content strategy. 

It is an approach that revolves around a content strategy based on planning and creating quality video content with high practical value that helps create and maintain an engaged community. 

This is the Hero, Hub, Help approach.


Hero video content is the “showstopper” of your promotional campaign. It’s the big video that aims to create or reinforce your brand awareness, but without being an outright advertisement. It is often part of a campaign around a product launch or during events (annual parties, for example).

The Hero video is designed to reach your audience emotionally with the ultimate goal of engaging them. Your audience will love, comment, and share the video creating a buzz around your brand. 


Hub video content is the result of an in-depth understanding of your target audience, their expectations and needs. These videos are therefore designed for people who already know your brand in one way or another. 

The idea is to answer questions they may have or talk about topics that may be of interest to them. Hub video content is therefore quality content and is useful for the audience. This last criterion is very important because when your Hub video content is relevant to the current (or future) needs of your audience, it helps you build audience loyalty.

Hub video content can be, for example, behind the scenes of your company or the launch of a new product. For example, Creativ Sün Films’ BTS scenes on Instagram takes you behind the scenes to share in the film production process.


Unlike Hub content, Help video content (also known as Hygiene content) is designed for a wider audience that may not be familiar with your brand. But, like Hub content, it also requires knowledge of the target audience because it must answer questions and offer solutions to problems posed by your audience. 

Your Help video content thus allows you to position yourself as an expert in your field. However, to attract organic traffic, your video content must be optimised so it can be found in search engine results such as Google or YouTube.

Your Help video content can be, for example, tutorials, and how-to videos. You can find this kind of videos on our channel Film & Impact


Thanks to our method Cinesync™ based on empowerment and content, we give you the keys to set up a sustainable video content marketing strategy that you can use on your own.


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Structuring and  planning your approach

Using the tripartite Hero, Hub, Help method allows you to better structure your video content within your overall marketing plan. You can then segment your video content to meet specific marketing objectives, measure its performance based on pre-established indicators and make adjustments where necessary.


Build audience loyalty

The 3H approach allows you to better control the narrative around your brand on all platforms and media. 

In this way, your Hero video conveys the powerful story of your brand and increases its visibility. Your audience gradually forms a community built on brand loyalty thanks to your quality Hub and Help video content. You now have fans and ambassadors who will talk about your brand around them, helping you expand your community.


Building your video content strategy: a few tips to start

Do you want to integrate a video content strategy into your overall marketing strategy? According to a recent study, by 2021, 82% of the content consumed on the Web will be video. That’s enough to help you make up your mind! Before getting started, here are a few questions you can ask to guide you in your choices.

-Has your company ever used video? For what purpose? What were the results?

-What do you want to achieve with your video content strategy? Gain visibility? Stimulate audience engagement? Some other goal…?

-How do you think video can be used to address the issues your audience is asking you to address?

-What are the short, medium and long term objectives of your video content strategy?

-What distribution channels do you want to optimise your video content for?

To help you further develop your strategy, download our video marketing brief.


A educational video from our director with 61k views on her youtube channel

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