

Meaningful production

We are a different kind of documentary film production company. 

We believe that a film is not an end in itself. It is an experience and a creative process that are anchored within a territory. These should have a positive impact on the communities in which they take place and extraordinary results for those who invest in them.

Our services are constantly evolving in this regard to best respond to the needs of our clients.


Impact film

We produce creative impact documentary films.


Impact campaigns

We create your impact campaigns.

In accordance with your project and your objectives we can help you in your choice of distribution or even organize your impact campaign so that your video has the greatest possible impact.

Whether it is for social networks, your website, television, film festivals or through our own networks, we create films that will travel as far as you want, in your city, your region or internationally.


Consulting & Training

We help private and public sector actors better understand and master audiovisual production and storytelling through workshops, training sessions and personalised guidance during video and film projects.

Impact strategy each month directly in your mailbox

Receive FREE content, actionable strategies, innovative ideas around high-impact initiatives and cutting-edge perspectives on strategy and impact storytelling.

 Need impact? Contact-us

+596696786734 I studio(@)creativsunfilms.com I @ creativsunfilms


We're not around right now. But you can send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap.


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